The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. 11(1):107-112
Correlation of ovarian volume with fasting plasma insulin levels, and insulin resistance using homeostasis model assessment 2 computational model in women with polycystic ovaries
Vivek V Subhash, Pradeep Ganiga
Objectives: Polycystic Ovarian syndrome is a lifestyle disease with increasing incidence in the current society. This study intends to evaluate the rise of insulin resistance with increasing ovarian size by utilizing a simple logistical regression model (HOMA 2). Methods: 54 patients who were diagnosed with PCOS were evaluated for ovarian volume by transabdominal sonography. Blood samples were collected and sent for evaluation of fasting plasma insulin and fasting blood sugar. Using HOMA-2 calculator, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity and beta cell function was derived. Pearson and Spearman’s correlation was used to correlate the data. Results: Mean age and BMI of the study group was 26.3 years and 25.57. The group showed alopecia, hirsutism, acne, acanthosis, clitoromegaly, male pattern pubic hair, and hoarseness of voice in 79.63, 72.22, 59.26, 12.96, 75.93, 48.15, 1.85% respectively. There is a significant positive correlation between BMI and fasting plasma insulin (Pearson correlation 0.308, p=0.023); BMI and insulin resistance (Pearson correlation 0.300, p=0.027); total ovarian volume and fasting plasma insulin (Person correlation 0.397, p=0.003) and insulin resistance (Person correlation 0.387, p=0.004). There is a positive correlation between volume of larger ovary and insulin resistance. There is also a negative correlation between ovarian volume and insulin sensitivity. Conclusions: Increased ovarian volume can be considered as an indicator for elevated insulin resistance.